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Reflective and inspiring e-learning

Center for Public Competence Development


How do we motivate employees within the social psychiatry sector to focus even more on job and education as a crucial part of citizens’ rehabilitative process?


Create reflective and inspiring e-learning with practical cases and tested methods and tools.

More citizens need a job

The National Board of Social Services, Trancit and Center for Public Competence Development (COK) share a mission: employees within the social psychiatry sector need to focus even more on job and education as an important part of citizens’ rehabilitative process.

They share this ambition because only one-fourth of citizens with mental difficulties have a job. That is not enough when looking at personal and economic perspectives.

See one of the videos from the e-learning modules below:

Personal and economic benefits

One of our greatest communities is found at work. Being excluded from such a community has a cost.

Not only does it cost the Danish state 11.7 billion kroner each year in financial support, but it also costs each citizen self-confidence, the feeling of participation and the ability to work.

Make the change

“But how to flip the costs into benefits and build bridges between citizens with mental difficulties and the labour market?”, the National Board of Social Services, Trancit and COK asked us.

Through reflective and inspiring e-learning, we show employees within the social psychiatry sector real and practical examples of what a job or an education can do for a person. We motivate employees by showing them how crucial their role is in the citizens’ recovery process and their chances of returning to an essential community. We made the benefits clear and made the employees reflect upon life-like scenarios. And we gave the employees some tested methods and tools to start working in an even more rehabilitative way.


.Being a part of the labour market or education very much increase the citizens’ recovery process – which again can lead to a job or starting an education. It is a positive circle to enter.

Bjarne Richter Bjelke, Chief Consultant, COK



Claus Riekehr Møller
Partner & CEO
Tel +45 3115 9790