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Website vs. virtual platform: when to use them

June 3, 2024

In today's digital age, you have various tools at your disposal to engage with customers and showcase your offerings. Two such tools are websites and virtual platforms.

In this blog post, we explore the fundamentals of each and discuss when it makes the most sense to use one over the other.

Why a virtual platform is a game-changer

While traditional websites are effective for providing information and facilitating transactions, virtual platforms take user engagement to the next level. By offering immersive, interactive experiences, virtual platforms can help businesses stand out in a crowded digital landscape and create lasting impressions on their audience.

When to choose a virtual platform?

Virtual platforms can offer several advantages over traditional websites. They are an excellent choice for businesses looking to provide a more engaging and interactive experience for their audience. Here are a few reasons to consider a virtual platform:

  1. Virtual platforms' immersive and interactive nature keeps users engaged for extended periods, increasing the likelihood of conversions and positive user experiences.
  2. With a virtual platform, you can create a tailored environment that perfectly matches your brand and your audience's needs, offering a unique and memorable experience.
  3. A virtual platform provides a smooth and continuous experience, ensuring users can easily navigate the content without interruptions.
  4. Virtual platforms are ideal for creating interactive learning and training environments. They can host simulations, interactive modules, 3D visualisations, and video content, providing an effective and engaging way to train employees or educate customers.
  5. Virtual platforms represent visual storytelling at its best. They can tell your company’s or products’ complex stories, function as sales tools, serve as campaign tools for specific events such as digital exhibitions, act as brilliant onboarding platforms, and much more.

Camilla Tække,
Digital Marketing Manager


When to choose a website?

While virtual platforms offer many advantages, there are scenarios where a traditional website may be the more suitable option:

  • If your primary goal is to provide straightforward information, such as a company website, blog, or portfolio, a traditional website often suffices. Websites are easier to set up and maintain for these purposes.
  • For small businesses or startups with limited budgets, developing and maintaining a traditional website can be more cost-effective than investing in a virtual platform.
  • Traditional websites are often better suited for SEO and content marketing strategies. They can be optimised for search engines more easily, helping attract organic traffic through well-structured content and keyword targeting.
  • While virtual platforms can incorporate e-commerce functionalities, a traditional website with an established e-commerce platform might be more efficient for straightforward online shopping experiences.

Understanding virtual platforms

Virtual platforms are immersive digital environments designed to provide interactive and engaging experiences. Here are some defining features of virtual platforms:

  • Virtual platforms offer a unique navigation experience, where users feel as though they are physically moving through the space. This is achieved through advanced coordination between scenes and pages, creating a cohesive and engaging journey.
  • The platforms are designed to support advanced interactive elements, including 3D models, virtual tours, and interactive videos. This interactivity helps capture and retain user attention more effectively than traditional websites.
  • Virtual platforms are highly customisable, allowing businesses to create bespoke environments that align with their brand identity and user engagement goals. This can include specific user journeys crafted through visual and multimedia elements.
  • Virtual platforms can be both faster and slower than websites. As Single Page Applications (SPAs), they initially load all content, a process that can take several seconds depending on the platform's size. However, once the platform has fully loaded, all content is readily available, allowing the user to navigate seamlessly from page to page without any further delays.

Understanding websites

A traditional website is most often a collection of interconnected web pages hosted on a single domain. Websites are typically designed to provide information, showcase and/or sell products or services, and facilitate communication between the business and its audience. They can range from simple static pages to complex sites with multiple functionalities, such as e-commerce, blogs, and user accounts. Key characteristics of a website traditionally include:

  • static content that doesn't change frequently or dynamic content that updates regularly based on user interactions or data.
  • a hierarchical navigation system, with menus and submenus helping users find the information they need.
  • interactive elements like forms, videos, and clickable images, which primary focus is on providing information and facilitating transactions.

To conclude

Virtual platforms and websites are not a matter of either/or, but of both/and.

You need to know when it makes sense and adds value to your business to choose a virtual platform to further your agenda. Most often, it makes sense to have a website as your company’s main digital entrance, while a virtual platform is the best way to draw attention to specific areas of your business and to stand out for specific purposes.

Virtual platforms take user engagement to the next level by offering immersive, interactive experiences, and creating lasting impressions on their audiences.

In today's digital age, businesses have various tools to engage with customers and showcase their offerings. Two such tools are websites and virtual platforms. While they may seem similar initially, they serve different purposes and offer unique experiences.

This blog post explores the fundamental differences between a traditional website and a virtual platform, highlighting why the latter can be a game-changer for your business.

Understanding websites

A traditional website is often a collection of interconnected web pages hosted on a single domain. Websites are typically designed to provide information, showcase and/or sell products or services, and facilitate communication between the business and its audience. They can range from simple static pages to complex sites with multiple functionalities such as e-commerce, blogs, and user accounts. Key characteristics of a website traditionally include:

  • Websites can host static content that doesn't change frequently or dynamic content that updates regularly based on user interactions or data.
  • Traditional websites use a hierarchical navigation system, with menus and submenus helping users find the necessary information.

While websites can include interactive elements like forms, videos, and clickable images, the primary focus is on providing information and facilitating transactions

Understanding virtual platforms

Virtual platforms are immersive digital environments designed to provide interactive and engaging experiences. Unlike traditional websites, virtual platforms are often developed as Single Page Applications (SPAs), allowing seamless navigation and dynamic content loading. Here are some defining features of virtual platforms:

  • A virtual platform is typically a Single-Page Application (SPA), meaning it functions as a single page that dynamically loads content as needed. This ensures a fluid and uninterrupted user experience.
  • Virtual platforms offer a unique navigation experience, where users feel like they are physically moving through the space. This is achieved through advanced coordination between scenes and pages, creating a cohesive and engaging journey.
  • The platforms are designed to support advanced interactive elements, including 3D models, virtual tours, and interactive videos. This interactivity helps capture and retain user attention more effectively than traditional websites.
  • Virtual platforms are highly customisable, allowing businesses to create bespoke environments that align with their brand identity and user engagement goals. This can include specific user journeys crafted through visual and multimedia elements.
  • Virtual platforms can be both faster and slower than websites. As Single Page Applications (SPAs), they initially load all content, a process that can take several seconds depending on the platform's size. However, once the platform has fully loaded, all content is readily available, allowing the user to navigate seamlessly from page to page without further delays.

When to choose a website

While virtual platforms offer many advantages, there are scenarios where a traditional website may be the more suitable option:

  • A traditional website is often more appropriate if your primary goal is to provide straightforward information, such as a blog or a portfolio. Websites are easier to set up and maintain for these purposes.
  • For small businesses or startups with limited budgets, developing and maintaining a traditional website can be more cost-effective than investing in a virtual platform.
  • Traditional websites are often better suited for SEO and content marketing strategies. They can be optimised for search engines more easily, helping attract organic traffic through well-structured content and keyword targeting.
  • E-Commerce: While virtual platforms can incorporate e-commerce functionalities, a traditional website with an established e-commerce platform might be more efficient for straightforward online shopping experiences.

When to choose a virtual platform

Virtual platforms can offer several advantages over traditional websites. They are an excellent choice for businesses looking to provide a more engaging and interactive experience for their audience. Here are a few reasons to consider a virtual platform:

  1. Virtual platforms' immersive and interactive nature keeps users engaged for longer periods, increasing the likelihood of conversions and positive user experiences.
  2. With a virtual platform, you can create a tailored environment that perfectly matches your brand and your audience's needs, offering a unique and memorable experience.
  3. SPAs provide a smooth and continuous experience, ensuring users can easily navigate the content without interruptions.
  4. Virtual platforms are ideal for creating interactive learning and training environments. They can host simulations, interactive modules, and multimedia content, providing an effective and engaging way to train employees or educate customers.

While traditional websites are effective for providing information and facilitating transactions, virtual platforms take user engagement to the next level. By offering immersive, interactive experiences, virtual platforms can help businesses stand out in a crowded digital landscape and create lasting impressions on their audience.

Camilla Tække,
Digital Marketing Manager


Need more information?

Want to know if a virtual platform is the right choice for your company?