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Immersive learning with the six nurturing principles


The challenge

Captivating young minds in education

How do we effectively engage students interested in early years care and enhance their ability to empathise with and understand children?

The solution

Immersive VR experience with Meta Quest 2

Using the Meta Quest 2 headset and Unity, we created an immersive experience set in a warm, friendly early learning environment. The user, in the POV of a child, explores different scenarios demonstrating the Six Nurturing Principles. The experience includes interactive tasks, like playing with toys and exploring a nursery, guided by AI voices and supported by text boxes, providing a realistic and engaging way to learn.

The goal was to introduce the Six Nurturing Principles to these students in a way that was both educational and emotionally resonant. The solution needed to keep students engaged, enhance empathy, and make learning enjoyable, all while being flexible enough for varied settings.

The value

Fostering empathy and understanding through interactive learning

The immersive experience made education exciting and fun, helping to retain student attendance and interest. By allowing students to explore the effects of a positive environment from a child's perspective, it fostered a deeper understanding of nurturing principles and encouraged empathy. This realistic setting demonstrated both good and bad practices, providing students with valuable insights into creating and maintaining nurturing environments.

The perspective

Future of education: flexible, engaging, and inspiring

The solution's flexibility ensures it can be used in various educational settings, making it an effective tool for introducing new coursework and encouraging empathy. This innovative approach not only supports current educational goals but also has the potential to attract more young people to care careers. The use of VR technology in education opens up new possibilities for engaging and inspiring students, paving the way for future developments in immersive learning.



Sean Bruce
Partner & Business Development Director UK
Tel +44 (0) 792 185 5549