How does Outfit International meet with retailers online without compromising their customer experience?
Create a digital showroom with the right amount of 3D bonfire and the suiting hunting feel, when presenting the future of their brands Härkila and Seeland.
A flexible, virtual sales tool wrapped as a digital showroom, that saves travel expenses, time, and the environment.
If you’re a salesperson, you probably recognize the time-consuming efforts of traveling far distances, which takes time off actual work, and is costly for the organization. You are also spending time away from the family – and never mind the environmental footprint you leave behind. Together with Outfit International, we have put an end to excessive, costly, and time-consuming business travels with a virtual sales tool. They can benefit from the virtual sales tool by inviting retailers into their hunting universe – doing nothing but opening their computers. Stay at home, wear sweatpants under the desk or set the alarm to 5 minutes before the meeting starts. Say goodbye to saying goodbye.
The showroom is the most important investment that Outfit International has made when not considering our staff.
Valdemar Bardram CEO, Outfit International
No compromises
Microsoft Teams has been dearly appreciated in the pursuit of human interaction throughout the age of COVID. Interactions that Outfit International did not intend to let go of. They saw opportunities in our digital solutions that defy time and space. Outfit International is now able to share its digital showroom through Microsoft Teams and walk retailers and potentially new consumers through the immersive universe that presents their new brands Härkila and Seeland.
It is presence with distance, without compromising the quality of in-person interaction. It is the same products, displayed in an entirely different way.
It is still Outfit International – just in a new wrapping.
The thoughts behind
With this showroom, we held back on the text and dialed up on the visuals. We wanted to maintain the salesperson as the narrator, guiding the retailers through the universe and products, as if they were in the same room together. The captivating animations that embrace the various aspects of the showroom are consistent throughout the universe, never letting your eyes be bored. You will likely miss details the first time, only to notice them at a later visit to the virtual showroom.
When the retailers enter the showroom, alongside with the people at Outfit International, what unravels before their eyes is a mellow night in front of a bonfire with Nordic lights adorning the sky. This is merely the landing page. Such hunting feel is to be expected on each page, accomplishing an environment that reflects the clothing to the last thread. Nothing is left to coincidence.
Thomas Juel
Partner & CSO
Tel +45 2014 6601