How do we make it both safe and exciting to participate in DI Digitals annual assembly?
Create an innovative hybrid event with both a physical and a digital dimension.
Physical and digital hybrid event lets DI Digital have their annual assembly – without boring or endangering participants.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made it unsafe to meet with other people in large numbers – in Denmark and around the world. As DI Digital prepared their annual assembly, no one could know whether it would even be possible to meet up in real life.
We wanted to help create a digital event that would ensure that the assembly could be successful – pandemic or not.
More than just a webinar
The assembly should be an exciting and inspiring experience for everyone, not just the people physically present. Therefore, we decided to make the digital part of the assembly as high-quality as possible.
We decided to put the live-streamed talks in a 3D environment that looks just like the real thing. The participants could effectively walk around the DI offices and feel that they were having a live experience – and that they were part of a real, live event.
The 3D environment also included the “Startup Zone”, where 8 startup businesses had the opportunity to introduce themselves to the whole organisation.
You can check out the 3D environment for yourself here:
The experience of “live”
A very important part of the hybrid event was that the talks would be streamed live. This way, participants at home would feel that they were experiencing the assembly along with the physical participants.
Participants watching the live-streamed talks could even take part in the polls and Q&A sections.
Around 150 online participants were expected, but more than 250 people took part in the convention online.
The future of hybrid events
The DI Digital hybrid assembly was a great success, and we have since talked with several other businesses and organisations interested in hybrid events.
In the future – even after the pandemic is over – we envision having the ability to easily and efficiently add a digital dimension to any physical event.
The participants loved the digital experience. In the subsequent evaluation, the digital experience was even rated higher than the physical part of the event.
Claus Riekehr Møller
Partner & CEO
Tel +45 3115 9790